Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Creating a Life Worth Living

Tao Te Ching Verse 6:
MANTRA: “I pay attention to my inner callings and apply my own uniqueness to everything I undertake.” ~ W.Dyer

I believe attention is the most precious resource in life. How I spend my attention creates the quality of my work and relationships and ultimately my life. My inner callings come to me through my heart center. The warm, uplifting feelings that guide me when I know something is right travel through the vagus nerve, which connects the heart to the head.
I am lucky enough to have a mom who raised me to listen to my inner voice. She was wise and brave enough to let me choose my own path in life. The joy for her was in seeing what I would make of my life. I loved softball and rather than buying me the best coaches and gear she let my interest develop organically. I never felt pressure as a kid to become someone my parents wanted me to be.
I have a history of following my heart. My passion for softball became a Harvard education. Most recently, I left my teaching career to learn from the founder of Positive Psychology, and in his class I met the woman of my dreams and we were married on a beautiful beach in Maui. Today we are taking the next great leap in our lives to conduct a worldwide research trip about peak experience. We will travel to 6 continents over the next 6 months to ask 200 people about the best moments of their lives. Our goal is to translate our field research into North of Normal the documentary and book. We have given up our lease and will launch a fundraising campaign on kickstarter.com in the next couple days.
  My greatest passion is to contribute something meaningful and worthwhile to humanity. That manifests for me as singing lessons, studying for a Ph.D, gardening, raising a family, and broadcasting the best information we have about what is possible to experience in life. No matter what happens in the next few months, by investing my attention in planning this trip I am learning how to trust and believe in myself, my dreams, and my uniqueness.

Tao Te Ching Verse 6:

The Tao is called the Great Mother:
empty yet inexhaustible,
it gives birth to infinite worlds.

It is always present within you.
You can use it any way you want.

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